Systematics International Ltd announces new website and applications server

As part of our continued improvements to our global systems infrastructure, we are pleased to announce that we have recently introduced a new website and applications server, providing you with up-to-date information on Systematics International Ltd, while giving a separate, secure access portal to our online applications for all our clients.

By making this improvement to the backbone of our systems, we have been able to provide a new, improved public website, providing you with up-to-date information on Systematics International Ltd, and a new, dedicated infrastructure for our web-based applications.

We made the decision to separate the web-based applications from the main website server, as this has the advantage of providing even more secure access to your data and systems. Also, hosting our applications on a dedicated server resource means that all of the power of the servers is dedicated to your applications.

In order to facilitate this change in our global infrastructure, we have a new web address for the applications servers:

You can also access our client applications directly from our main website, and a direct link to the Applications Server is also located in the top right corner of our new website home page at:

We are pleased to report that while this was a highly complex task for us to undertake, it all went very smoothly, and the migration of the applications to a separate infrastructure to the website was all undertaken with no downtime to our provision of online live web applications to our clients.

Please visit to see our new look for yourself.


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