Systematics has developed a system interface for the European trade association FEM’s (Federation Europeenne de la Manutention) Product Group – Industrial Trucks, which successfully went live on 8 February.
The system is web-based, offering full flexibility with data-driven rules in all areas and automation with minimal manual processing required by the members of the FEM.
The new system is fully compliant with EU data disclosure rules so members have the complete confidence that competitive data by financial group companies will not be disclosed during any time periods.
Systematics has based the system development primarily on the customised requirements of the FEM group, ensuring right from the onset that the delivery of the system met the detailed specification brief, achieved by working together as a team with FEM and its member companies.
Batches of data can be uploaded from a comma delimited file (generated by Excel or in-house programs), or can be input directly online using our data input program. Once all the data is loaded onto the system it is then checked and aggregated with all other exchange members’ data at the period end.
Each line of data received (either monthly or quarterly) is then validated for correctness. Validation will include checks of respective monthly/quarterly time periods, product code as applicable to the orders, and shipments data being input.
Additional validation can be applied as required, including check of deviation from average monthly posted figures, providing a warning to the end user if the figures loaded for the current period deviate significantly from the monthly averages.
Once all the batch data is loaded onto the system, a summary of the data will be generated which can be checked by the client prior to approving the data for incorporation into the exchange for that month.
At the period end, the system administrators will aggregate all data and check against the data control figures provided by the reporters. The updated reports will then be published on the website, controlled by the customised web membership system.
All our systems undergo continual review and updates to meet our client needs and expectations. We design all of our web based software to utilise a consistent user interface in order to provide familiarity to the end user, and to minimise the amount of cross training required in order to use our products.
For further information, please Contact Us.