Systematics in the community: Thurrock Business Awards 2014

Systematics International Ltd is proud to sponsor the award for Business Man of the Year 2014

The annual Thurrock Business Awards, which recognise the most successful business men and women in the Thurrock region, took place on 14 March.

The glittering ceremony, hosted by the Thurrock Gazette, was attended by around 400 people to celebrate the best of the area’s business talent and Systematics was one of the local businesses to sponsor an award recognising these achievements.

The awards ranged from New Company Start-Up, Sustainable Transport and Customer Service, right through to Business Woman of the Year and Business Man of Year.

Christine Bhatt, Chief Executive of Systematics, said: “Having won the Business Woman of the Year award in 2013 in another region, it was a pleasure to be involved in this year’s business awards as a judge, alongside Manuel, for the Business Man of the Year 2014 for Thurrock. All of the entrants should be very proud of what they have achieved.”

Chief Finance and Strategic Planning Officer Manuel Bhatt said: “Each and every finalist had greatly impressed us with their strength of character, attitude, passion and work ethics, and it made our decision of choosing a winner a very difficult one”.

The Business Man of the Year award was the last award to be announced on what was an outstanding evening and the winner chosen by Systematics was Damian Walters, of iKBBI Ltd.

Christine said: “Having formed the concept of the Institute for Kitchen, Bedroom and Bathroom Installers (iKBBI) in 2007, Damian and the team have gained momentum over the last few years, resulting in commitment not only from the big international retailers but also from the general consumers, he is a true inspiration and a worthy winner of this prestigious award.”


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