Systematics 2016 Welcome  

We are well into the first half of the year and Systematics International hope that 2016 has been good for you and your business.  Personally, I am already looking into booking our family summer holiday, but before that, it is good to hear that there is some optimism in our industry relating to the second half of the year, despite the doom and gloom from the world economy and uncertainties surrounding the forthcoming European Union Referendum.

In fact some of our partners are predicting a good year, possibly their best yet.

Personally, we feel that this type of optimism is good for business. We fully understand that there will always be winners and losers within the business community but nothing, least of all the EU Referendum, will dampen the British spirit, as the future is bright, with great opportunities that lie ahead of us, and it is important to continue focusing on creating growth in the business community. This can only be achieved with positive attitudes, new business ideas, together with investment and continued innovation.

We at Systematics are looking forward to another year of a successful partnership with our business partners, customers and suppliers.

We have been in business for a long time, and understand that Agricultural and Industrial companies are completely different to other commercial entities. Through our knowledge and relevant experience, we are able to tailor our approach to meet the individual requirements of this industry sector.

Since 2014, commodities prices have continued on their downward trend, with the dairy sector being the hardest hit. Unfortunately this trend continued in 2015 and is expected to carry on well into 2016, as the low value of what farmers grow and produce puts more pressure on business structures and ultimately the industry in general.

That said, there is plenty to look forward to in the second half of 2016 from a business structure point of view, including planning and diversification in order to reflect the most feasible structure for the future profitability and opportunities for development.

This is where Systematics can play a key role, as there are always opportunities that will arise from analysing what your business is doing against what your competitors are doing, and Data support can play a huge role in your business decision-making.

Our team would like to wish you all the very best for the second half of the year and hopefully our May Newswire will be of interest to you. We hope that together we can make this year a successful one!

If we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us – we are always eager to hear of any new developments that will support your business decisions and influence positive change.

Thank you

Manuel Bhatt, Chief Finance & Strategic Planning Officer


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