Supporting Basildon Young Entrepreneurs Business Challenge

Systematics via Christine Bhatt once again demonstrated that we are always ready to give back to the community some of our knowhow in order to support young talent in our region.

On 2 March, The Enterprise in Education Partnership Limited together with the local Basildon Council requested Christine to be one of the business judges in assessing young entrepreneur’s business ideas.

Several Year 9 and Year 10 students from different schools came together to compete against each other as they were set a business challenge to come up with ideas on how to attract more local residents to shop at Basildon Market.

The pupils were assisted throughout the day from the world of business including Christine Bhatt who had been allocated a group of Year 9 and Year 10 pupils as they were also asked to produce a 30 second TV advert and make a presentation which they would show at the end of the day to a judging panel consisting of business guests – including Christine herself.

Christine said “I am delighted to have been here today in order to see first-hand the amount of young talent that we have not only in the schools now but most importantly for the future and I feel that with these youngster the future is bright. Well done to everyone who took part in this outstanding day.”





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