New service launch: Systematics is now reporting a new registration data exchange

We are delighted to announce that Systematics, on behalf of the Agricultural Engineers Association, has started reporting a new QUADS/ATVs/UTVs data exchange for the domestic United Kingdom market.

Companies who have initially joined this registration data exchange are Polaris, Honda, Yamaha, John Deere and Kawasaki.

Manuel Bhatt, Chief Finance and Strategic Planning Officer of Systematics, said: “This is excellent news as it’s another step forward, clearly showing that Systematics is ready to grow and is growing in the right direction by diversifying it into new data exchanges.

“We would like to say ‘thank you’ to the companies and to Chris Evans, AEA, who are involved in these initial stages, for the opportunity of setting up this new data exchange.”

Office manager Tracy Remington added: “This is a great opportunity to expand to another market within the UK registrations. We look forward to building a strong continuous relationship with our new clientele.”

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