Essex Life Magazine, March 2023 Edition

Essex Life Magazine interviewed Christine Bhatt for their March 2023 edition. Below are of some of the questions that she was asked.

What is the best advice you have ever been given? (and from whom?)

My late mother said: ‘Always go with your instincts, believe in yourself to make things happen.’ This has helped me get through numerous personal and professional dilemmas encountered over time. Nowadays, I can just about anticipate what is likely to come my way and plan accordingly. A sure sign of aging with a bit of wisdom and confidence.

What makes your business stand out?

No doubt, it is our people. We recently celebrated our 50th work anniversary with great pride and quiet satisfaction while paying tribute to all team members, clients, partners and friends who have helped us make this achievement possible. The attitude of our people is excellent, as innovators we are breaking barriers resulting in doing business in a kinder way.

What do you love about your job?

The spontaneity that the business brings, combined with the privilege of meeting people all over the world, learning about different business cultures and finding workable solutions together.

What keeps you focused?

Lists! I love a handwritten list which is always in my handbag. As they say, great ideas are born out of a paper and a pen.


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